
Health Risks are Linked to Obesity

Health Risks are Linked to Obesity

Many people do not realize that obesity is considered a chronic disease.  Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both. Obesity is generally defined as...

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Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome, or Insulin Resistance, is a diagnosis that many of my clients claim they have never heard of when they first come to see us for medical nutrition therapy (MNT).

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Chronic Illness Management

Chronic Illness Management

Half of all Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease and the number is growing. A chronic illness or disease is a health condition that lasts more than one year and causes functional restrictions or requires ongoing monitoring or treatment. Chronic illness...

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Intermittent Fasting for the Right Weight Loss Candidate

Intermittent Fasting for the Right Weight Loss Candidate

Historians believe our ancient ancestors practiced intermittent fasting naturally, as food sources and daylight were limited. Our earliest ancestors did not have a refrigerator or cupboard to open in the morning to get their food. They probably had to get up and move...

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Tools for Better Diabetes Self-Management

Tools for Better Diabetes Self-Management

One of the most important things I learned through the above experiences is that to get the best results for our clients or patients and to truly help prevent complications down the road, diabetes educators should reinforce the importance of using all the tools available to better manage a patient’s diabetes.

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Fitness – If You Can Do It, Do It, Forget Your Age!

Fitness – If You Can Do It, Do It, Forget Your Age!

Not a day goes by that I don’t hear from patients that feel they are too old to exercise or to make any changes and just want to take the medications. I have found the better path with the best results uses diet and lifestyle changes in addition to any medication they may be prescribed.

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International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society