challenge accepted.

Having a licensed, credentialed health care provider weigh you on a consistent basis can help you be successful in achieving weight loss in 2017!

You need more than just one visit to be successful. You need ongoing accountability through weigh-ins, education, reinforcement and support!

Recent research indicates that 1/3 of Americans are considered obese. Being significantly overweight can increase your risk for many chronic diseases and some cancers. The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association guidelines indicate that even a 3% weight loss among overweight and obese individuals can improve risk factors for chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and diabetes type 2.

As a Registered Dietitian that practices a more holistic approach, I am not a strong proponent of gastric bypass surgery unless the benefit far outweighs the risk. That said, there have been a lot of good studies that have come from data on gastric bypass patients.  The American Medical Association Analysis of 136 gastric bypass studies where the patients lost significant weight indicates that 77% of participants eliminated their elevated blood sugars, 62% eliminated their high blood pressure, 70% eliminated their high cholesterol and 86% eliminated their sleep apnea. This shows weight loss is key in improving outcomes of many chronic illnesses.

The most successful weight loss treatments include elements of monitoring as a means to increase self-awareness. Especially powerful is having a licensed, credentialed health care professional weigh you on a consistent basis and provide reinforcement of healthy choices.

Integrated Optimal Health’s Choice Center for Nutrition and Choice Center for Diabetes and Weight will help you achieve your weight loss goals through providing education, reinforcement and ongoing support as well as group and individual exercise programs. It is easier than most people think. There is no “magic bullet” for weight loss, but knowing your individualized carb number for weight loss, which we determine for you, and getting the education and support you need is pretty close!

Many people do not realize that their health insurances covers preventative care.  It is Your Health and Your Choice. Choose Health!

Call 888-444-1204 to find out about the group and individual programs. Most insurance accepted!